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Influence of Group Studies on Learning Process

Mr. Antony Koshy
Apr 27, 2022
High School

As the saying goes, “Two heads are better than one”. Hence, group studies have proved to be more productive in learning techniques. This procedure has gained massive popularity amongst high school students, allowing them to remain creatively motivated.

Most of the schools in Dubai show higher completion rates, thereby considerably reducing the number of dropouts. This doesn’t signify that education has become more accessible, but it puts forward various learning techniques.

Technological advancements and the advent of social media platforms make students feel more connected. As a result, there are higher chances of studying in groups, making the lessons comparatively easier.

This article will provide an overview of how group studies have influenced the learning procedure of students.

Average School Fees in Dubai - Education and Learning Procedure

The school fees in Dubai range from AED 12,723 to AED 64,093. However, most schools acquire admission fees after completing every session.

Other additional fees obtained by the leading schools of Dubai include - uniforms, books, and the cost of transformation.

The United Arab Emirates has witnessed a massive transformation in its educational industry. With the innovation of technology and various other factors, education in the UAE has intensified.

From the introduction of new lessons to learning methods, the transformation has been massive.

10 Benefits of Group Study in the Learning Procedures

As learning methods have undergone considerable changes, students incorporate group studies into the learning procedures. A well run and maintained group study will allow students to accelerate their learning methods.

Rigorously discussing courses, subjects, notes, and quizzes will ease their learning. Besides, there are other reasons why group studying influences the learning process. They are:-

1. Paves the Way for Acquiring Better Grades

Some students are bound to put off homework and projects while studying independently. However, a study group can provide aid in clarifying course materials, which leads to good classroom experiences.

So this helps the students to have a better understanding of the subject and remain motivated to do better.

2. Allows Better Understanding of All Topics and Subjects

Reading, studying and learning all by oneself will take longer time than group study. Since studying in groups allows active engagement with learning and study materials. This helps the students to remain motivated and empowered and have chances to do well in the classroom.

3. Helps in Maintaining Personal Responsibilities

Study groups allow every student to share their thoughts and ideas regarding any subject. As per the study group dynamics, students can provide presentations and actively participate with confidence.

Moreover, there will be no scope for students to be embarrassed in front of their peers and friends.

4. Enhances Well-Built Insight

Studying in groups will highly benefit comparatively weaker students. Intelligent students can summarise the critical points and help other students, thereby retaining their capability to learn and understand.

So this method of learning helps every student to determine the most vital points and study them.

5. Eliminate Procrastination and Finish Work on Time

Working and studying in groups makes learning more accessible and significantly eliminates procrastination.

Unlike self-study, students in group study can surround themselves with severe and motivated students. So collaborating with serious students will help in finishing work on time.

6. Formulates Experience in Working as a Team

High schools are considered the place for developing new skills while acquiring endurance in the future. Most workplaces look for experiences of teamwork. So starting early by engaging in group study will help gain the experience of working as a team.

Since the future of work is highly collaborative, students need to discover their strengths and weaknesses at the earliest. This provides them with the chance to retain self-confidence and acing any interview that comes their way.

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7. Intensifies Skills for Problem Solving and Studying

Group study might not sound promising about enhancing learning methods, as there might be arguments and distractions. However, associating with all kinds of people in the group allows students to sharpen their problem-solving skills.

With so many theories and conflicting ideas passing across the group, the resolving skills are manifested naturally.

8. Opportunity to Study Within the Comfort Zone

Forming a study group with a dedicated group of people lets you study within your comfort zone. Ensure that all people in the group only deliver a positive impact while learning.

Moreover, students will have the opportunity to choose a setting to study which suits them best.

9. Intensifies the Learning Procedure

Group studies indeed allow students to learn faster than those studying individually. For instance, if any group student is incapable of understanding any concept, other members will always help.

So this helps in saving lots of time while having to figure out complex concepts. And this provides the opportunity to learn different subjects and contents, thereby intensifying the learning procedure.

10. Offers to Inspire and Motivate Each Other

Living in trying times has made it extremely difficult for students to maintain their sanity while studying. When the world succumbed to the deadly epidemic, people were forcibly confined within their homes.

Educational institutions were shut down, and students switched to virtual methods to carry on with their learning procedures.

This new learning method was quite intimidating and overwhelming as some found it very difficult. So students were facing difficulty in understanding several lessons. But with the option of group studies, students have the option of inspiring and motivating one another.

Besides, this also helps formulate strong bonds, thereby creating long-term friendships.

To Conclude

Besides showing massive benefits, group studies have significant drawbacks as well. There are plenty of study groups who spend time socialising instead of studying. This will harm the learning procedures of students.

Moreover, you’d never want to ruin your child’s future, make sure you enrol them in the best school. The school fees in Dubai are pretty affordable, so never compromise your child’s education.

Lastly, please encourage them to join influential study groups, enhancing their learning procedure.

Mr. Antony Koshy

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